INTERVIEW cruiseship


• Please tell me a little about yourself? ( jelasin tentang diri loe )
• What have you learned from your past jobs that related to Cruise line staff? ( jelasin pengalamn kerja loe di hotel, apa yang loe dapet dari pekerjaan loe dan hubunganya dengan posisi yang loe lamar )
• Why did you leave your last job? ( bilang aja pengen cari duit yang lebih gede, jangan bilang cari pengalaman baru soalnya yang kita butuh duit )
• Tell me about your last position and what you did? ( posisi loe sebelumnya, bilang aja cleaning service. haha kidding gan. )
• Where would you like to be in 3 years? 5 years? ( terserah loe mau jadi apa 3 - 5 tahun kedepan )
• What made you choose to apply to 
Cruise line staff? ( bilang "i want to get a better sallary and better future carrer" )
• What are your strengths and weaknesses? ( jelasin kelebihan sama kekurangan loe, mungkin loe kelebian berat badan. haha )
• What do you know about this company? ( cari tau dulu tentang perusahaan tempat loe ngelamar )
• What do you know about the position of your Cruise line staff position? ( pelajari posisi yang loe lamar )
• Are you able to work and live as component of a team composed of folks from different nationalities? ( bilan aja yes yes yes.. haha )
• Would you be able to live on board a high pressure and occasionally tough environment? ( bilang ya, karena gw udah biasa menghadapi preasure di tempat kerja. pasti loe ditanya lagi tapi di kapal pesiar preasurenya lebih besar, bilang aja no problem with that i can handle it trust me gitu )
• Can you live in a tiny cabin which could be shared with an additional crew member? ( yes i can, because it's the rule on board and i'll follow it )
• Why do you want to stay far from your family to join the 
cruiseship? ( honestly i don't want it and everybody who work in cruise ship feel the same thing but this is a choice for my better future so i be able far away from my family. hafalin gan. haha... )

Sekian dulu tipsnya ya, gw sibuk banget gan. Ow ya pertanyaan2 di atas cuma pertanyaan dasar. masih ada pertanyaan lain tergantung dari posisi yang loe lamar.
Sekalian aja deh gw kasi sedikit tipsnya : ( gak jadi istirahat gw ni gan, hadeh... )

Posisi F&B
• Waiter & Asistenya : Perdalam menu knowledge loe and wine knowledge, macam2 breakfat and menunya. Biasanya paling banyak ditanyain menu, wine and restaurant service cara set up table.
• Buffet steward & Asistenya : menu knowledge yang umum2 misal macam2 salad, cheese, breakfast menu, macam2 breakfast dan restaurant service of course.

Posisi Housekeeping
• Cabin steward, Asistenya and bawahanya lagi : Cara making love eh making bed maksudnya. haha... Chemical yang loe pakai buat bersihin kamar and kamar mandi. Nama alat2 buat cleaning misal sapu, ember, celurit emang mau gotong royong. Becanda gan biar semangat... hehe...
• Laundry Man : Chemical buat ngelaundry, step2 nyuci baju pertama rendam lalu kucek, bilas dan jemur. haha... ( kidding )

Posisi Galley
• Cook semua dari cook traine ampe first cook : Yang pasti ditanyain loe bisa masak kagak? :) trus menu2 di hotel 5 star loe harus pelajari cari di 
google, teknik2 memasak misal jenis2 teknik cutting, macam2 cara masak, yang pasti gak bakal ditanyain cara masak air tenang aja gan. hehe...
• Galley Cleaner ato Dishwasher : Biasanya pertanyaan umum, soalnya posisi ini gak perlu pengalaman kerja di hotel so mereka tau loe gak pernah yang namanya bersihin dapur segede lapangan bola and nyuci piring ribuan per hari.























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