Name                        : __________________________

Student Number       : __________________________

Department/Class    : __________________________


A.       Complete the sentences below by changing the words in brackets into SUBJECT PRONOUNS.

1.        (Paul)___________ had bacon and eggs for breakfast.

2.        (Kim, James and Peter)___________ study at the local university.

3.        (Mia)___________ studies English every day.

4.        (The mobile phone)___________ is in my bag.

5.        (The students)___________ always arrive early for class.

6.        (Anna and I)___________ are best friends.

7.        (Darren)___________ lives in London.

8.        (The plates)___________ are on the table.

9.        (My girlfriend and I)___________ like going to the beach.

10.    (Emma)___________ works as a receptionist.


B.        Now, complete the sentences by changing the words in brackets into OBJECT PRONOUNS.

1.        I enjoyed listening to___________ (the song).

2.        I read___________ (the reports) this morning.

3.        Please give___________ (Jane) the keys.

4.        Matt asked___________ (I) to give you a call.

5.        I sent___________ (the email) this morning.

6.        The teacher gave___________ (the students) the answers.

7.        The tour guide took___________ (my friend and I) to the museum

8.        Terry visited___________ (Jonathan) last week.

9.        She drank___________ (the coffee) quickly and ran out the door.

10.    I saw___________ (Mark and Rebecca) at lunchtime.



C.        Rewrite the sentences below by correcting the word in BOLD to either a possessive adjective or possessive pronoun.

1.        At the end of term, the students thanked they English teacher.

Answer : ________________________________________________________

2.        The house at the end of the street is us.

Answer : ________________________________________________________

3.        The teacher wants to see you homework.

Answer : ________________________________________________________

4.        I think she forgot she bag.

Answer : ________________________________________________________

5.        Are they friends of you?

Answer : ________________________________________________________

6.        Yesterday, I went to the park with some friends of me.

Answer : ________________________________________________________

7.        That car belongs to Peter and Abbey. It's them.           

Answer : ________________________________________________________

8.        We really enjoyed we trip to the beach.

Answer : ________________________________________________________

9.        Tom will fix he bike tomorrow.

Answer : _______________________________________________________           

10.    Kim has a cat. It fur is white.

Answer : ________________________________________________________



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